Year I
Semester I Hour/week
No. O/E Courses L P ECTS
1. O Biology 3 2 6
2. O Mathematics 3 2 6
3. O Kimia e përgjithshme dhe inorganike 2 2 5
4. O Physics 2 2 5
5. O Introduction to Food Technology 2 2 5
6. E English Language 2 1 3
7. E Information technology 2 1 3
Year I
SemesterII Hour/Week
No. O/E Courses L P ECTS
1. O Food Microbiology and Hygiene 3 2 6
2. O Food Chemistry 3 2 6
3. O The basics of heat transmission, mass & movement in the food industry 2 2 5
4. O Organic Chemistry 2 2 5
5. O Raw materials in the food industry 2 2 5
6. E Protection of plant products 2 1 3
7. E Food protection 2 1 3
Year II
Semester III Hour/Week
No. O/E Courses L P ECTS
1. O Basic processes in food technology 3 2 6
2. O Food processing in the food industry 3 2 6
3. O Analytical Chemistry 2 2 5
4. O Fruit and vegetable processing technology 2 2 5
5. O Technology of alcoholic beverages and vine 2 2 4
6. E Food Enzymology 2 1 4
7. E Basics of instrumental method 2 1 4
Year II
Semestri IV Hour/Week
No O/E Courses L U ECTS
1. O Food biotechnology 3 2 6
2. O Biochemistry 2 2 5
3. O Malt production technology 2 2 5
4. O Technology of Cereals 2 2 5
5. O Technology for Dairy Processing 2 2 5
6. E Baking products technology 2 1 4
7. E Bio Production 2 1 4
Year III
Semester V Hour/Week
No. O/E Courses L P ECTS
1. O  Food and nutrition of human beings 3 2 6
2. O Genetics and Microbiology 2 2 5
3. O Beer Production Technology 2 2 5
4. O Water Technology 2 2 5
5. O Bio Technology and Environmental Protection 2 2 5
6. E Sensory food analysis 2 1 4
7. E Packaging & Preservation of Food Products 2 1 4
Year III
Semester VI Hour/Week
No. O/E Courses L P ECTS
1. O  Technology of fermentation processes 3 2 6
2. O Basics of Toxicology 2 2 5
3. O Technology of Meat processing 2 2 5
4. O Economy and business management 2 2 5
5. O Quality assurance control in the food industry 2 1 4
6. E Diploma Thesis 10


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