UHZ benefits from the ALLED 2 project related to quality assurance in higher education

UHZ benefits from the ALLED 2 project related to quality assurance in higher education

UHZ benefits from the ALLED 2 project related to quality assurance in higher education

The senior management of UHZ arranged with the leaders of the ALLED 2 project to provide technical and professional assistance to the university regarding the preparation of the diploma supplement for each of the UHZ accredited programs. Today, Rector Prof.Dr. Armand Krasniqi and the Vice-Rector Prof.Dr. Edmond Beqiri officially met with the leaders of this project, Dr.Anton Gojani and Prof.Dr. Ferdije Zhushi to agree on the establishment of the working group, which will be responsible for drafting and formalizing the diploma supplement. The ALLED 2 project is a continuation of the ALLED 1 project, which is funded by the EU and the Austrian government specifically for the harmonization of education in Kosovo with the needs of the labor market. The diploma supplement will comply to the required European standards according to the Bologna system and will be offered in both languages, Albanian and English, respectively, Bosnian and English for programs in the Bosnian language. The diploma supplement will be made for each program separately, which will include the description of the degree and the competence acquired by the student. The respective document is planned to be available to students within this academic year.

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