Administrative Offices BF

Article 27

Administrative Offices at Academic Units (at Faculties)

  1. Secretary office of Academic Unit
  2. Each Academic Unit (Faculty) shall have the Administrative Office which shall have the following duties and responsibilities;
    1. The Administative Office of the Academic Units shall be responsible for professional, administrative and technical matters, the structure of which shall be determined by scope of the units itself in accordance with the provisions of this Statute.
    2. With special authority, they shall represent the Academic Unit in judicial proceedings;
    3. The Administrative Offices shall develop regulations for the needs of the Academic Units for approval by the Academic Unit Council, the Steering Committee, and Senate; Prepare decisions approved by the Academic Unit Council ; Coordinate the preparation, implementation, reporting and evaluation of the Academic Unit’s budget;
    4. Academic Unit administrative offices shall maintain consistent records and records of: Academic Unit staff; candidates applying for admission to studies at all levels; Statistics for students enrolled in all study research programs; Students diles of all levels of study; data about graduates; teaching process; Academic Units property and infrastructure, etc..;
    5. Administrative offices shall issued student status certificates, grade certificates and graduations certificates;
    6. Are responsible for annual evaluation of the Academic Unit’s administrative staff work and preparation of the annual report and achievement of objectives
    7. Perform professional work to assist academic staff in the implementation of their objectives with respect to the teaching process and laboratory practices
    8. Preserve the Academic Unit data in a standardized electronic way. This data shall be stored in a central database at the service of Academic Unit.
    9. Provide logistics services for the needs of the Academic Unit
  3. All these duties shall be coordinate by the Secretary of the Academic or the organisational unit.
  4. The Heads ( Secretaries) of the Administrative Offices of Academic Units (Faculties) shall report to the Secretary General of the University, whereas they shall coordinate the works with the Deans of the Academic Units
  5. The Administrative Offices of Academic Units, shall consist of the following wotk titles:
    1. Secretary of the Academic Unit – Faculty (one employee at each of the Academic Units);
    2. Financial Officer (one employeeat each of the Academic Units);
    3. Officer for teaching matters (three employee)
    4. Student sevice officer ( two employee at each of the Academic Units);
    5. IT officer ( one employee at each of the Academic Units);
    6. Officer for protocol ( one employee at each Academic Unit);
    7. Officer for logistics:
    8. Officer for the archive
    9. Technical administrative officer (one employee at each of the Academic Units);
  6. The number of employees at five Academic Units (Faculties) is forty-five (45)

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