Call for application

At the University “Haxhi Zeka” in Peja, was held a public discussion about the Strategic Plan 2020-2024. Present at this discussion were participants from the Governing Council, academic, administrative staff, students, NGOs, industries and public institutions. Also present was Mr. Rron Gjinovci, representative of the QAINT project, a project supported by ADA, which has expertly supported the drafting of the Strategy.

Rector of UHZ Prof.Dr. Fadil Millaku, who was also the chairperson of drafting the Strategic Plan, started the meeting by welcoming the participants and thanking all those who contributed to the drafting of the Strategic Plan.

Afterwards the participants had the opportunity to discuss the Strategic Plan, where some of them gave their suggestions. Mr. Gjinovci said that the UHZ staff has seen tremendous willingness to work and that the UHZ has full potential for continuity.

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