FAITH: Workshop in Vienna

FAITH: Workshop in Vienna

In the framework of the TEMPUS project “Increasing the Financial Autonomy and accountability at public higher education institutions in Kosova” a Spanish workshop took place, at the FH CAMPUS WIEN, on September 7 – 11, 2014

The aim of the visit was to further introduce the Kosovar partners on EU financial models. With the project proposal, the event has been planed to take place in Alicante, Spain. But, Spanish Government are still not issuing visa for Kosovar partners, as a result the event has been relocated in Vienna, at FH CAMPUS WIEN. During the three days event, the following presentations were delivered:

–       Financial Management of HEIs – the case of the University of Alicante” by Carolina Madeleine, Senior Project Manager, UA

–       Internal Management Control of the University of Alicante by Virjinia Ferrer, Administrative expert, UA

–       The Status Quo IT-Infrastructure – by Jörg HORMANN University of Saarland

–       Pre-university financial concept – by Ms. Drita Kadriu, Higher Education Director

–       Financial indicators in HE – by Bujar Gallopeni

–      IT and Financial Management of the University of Alicante by Pedro Caselles, IT expert UA

–      Financial Management software – Example PREVERO (FH Campus Wien)

–      Accountability and Autonomy, by Achim Hopbach, Managing Director of AQ Austria

In addition, there we also two parallel working groups, on the following two main project issues: IT Infrastructure and White Paper. The progress has been reported in a Plenary Session

The following project partners participated in the event: FH Campus Wien; Saarland University; Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of Kosova; University “Haxhi Zeka” Peje; University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”; University of Prizren “Ukshin Hoti”; Kosova Center for International Cooperation in Higher Education, Science and Technology; WUS Kosova

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