Morina | |
Fisnik | |
Prof.ass.dr. | |
Fakulteti i Biznesit, Kabineti 1 | |
[email protected] |
Niveli i studimeve: | Post – Doktoratë |
Institucioni: | Universiteti i Maltës |
Fakulteti: | Fakulteti i Ekonomisë, Menaxhimit dhe Kontabilitetit |
Data: | 28.11.2019 – vazhdon |
Fusha e kërkimit shkencor në post – doktoratë: | Institucionet Financiare dhe Menaxhimi i Riskut |
Punimet shkencore në
post-doktoratë: |
Research Paper 1
The performance of pension funds and their impact on economic growth in OECD countries. Book: New Challenges for Future Sustainability and Wellbeing ISBN: 9781800439696, Publisher: Emerald Publishing Limited, Series: Emerald Studies in Finance, Insurance, and Risk Management, University of Malta, FEMA. Link:– |
Research Paper 2
An empirical study on investing in pension fund assets and economic growth. The case of selected countries in transition, emerging economies and developed countries. |
Niveli i studimeve: | Cikli i tretë – Studimet e Doktoratës |
Institucioni: | Universiteti i Evropës Juglindore, Tetovë, Maqedonia e Veriut |
Fakulteti: | Fakulteti i Biznesit dhe Ekonomisë |
Departamenti : | Ekonomiks |
Data e diplomimit: | 01.11.2016 – 02.09.2019 |
Diploma/ Doktorata : | Doktor i Shkencave Ekonomike |
Disertacioni i Doktoraturës : | Politikat kreditore të bankave komerciale dhe ndikimi i tyre në sektorin real të ekonomisë së Kosovës (2005 – 2018) |
Niveli i studimeve: | Cikli i dytë – Studimet Master |
Institucioni: | Universiteti “Haxhi Zeka” – Pejё, Kosovё |
Fakulteti: | Fakulteti i Biznesit |
Departamenti: | Kontabilitet dhe Financa |
Data e diplomimit: | 01.10.2013 – 20.11.2015 |
Diploma/ Magjistratura: | Master i Shkencave Ekonomike nё Kontabilitet dhe Financa |
Tema e masterit: | Pёrshtatshmeria e politikave kreditore tё bankave komerciale nё financimin dhe zhvillimin e NVM-ve nё Kosovё |
Niveli i Studimit: | Cikli i parë – Studimet themelore |
Institucioni: | Universiteti “Haxhi Zeka” – Pejё, Kosovё |
Fakulteti: | Fakulteti i Biznesit |
Departamenti: | Kontabilitet dhe Financa |
Data e diplomimit: | 01.10.2010 – 16.07.2013 |
Diploma : | Bachelor i Shkencave Ekonomike nё Kontabilitet dhe Financa |
Tema e diplomes : | Kontabiliteti i thesarit tё shtetit dhe roli i tij nё sistemin buxhetor tё Kosovёs |
9. Titulli akademik: | Prof. Ass. Dr. |
Institucioni: | Universiteti “Haxhi Zeka” – Pejё, Kosovё |
Data e zgjedhjes: | 01.10.2020 – vazhdon |
Përshkrimi: | Profesor për lëndet: Ekonometria, Menaxhmenti Financiar, Investimet, Menaxhimi i Portofolit, Vlerësimi i Riskut, Kontrolli në Korporata. |
Titulli akademik: | Prof. Ass. Dr. |
Institucioni: | Universiteti “Haxhi Zeka” – Pejё, Kosovё |
Data e zgjedhjes: | 01.10.2020 – vazhdon |
Përshkrimi: | Profesor për lëndet: Ekonometria, Menaxhmenti Financiar, Investimet, Menaxhimi i Portofolit, Vlerësimi i Riskut, Kontrolli në Korporata. |
Titulli akademik: | Asistent i rregullt (Riemërim) |
Institucioni: | Universiteti “Haxhi Zeka” – Pejё, Kosovё |
Data e zgjedhjes: | 01.10.2019 – 30.09.2020 |
Titulli akademik: | Asistent i rregullt (Emërimi) |
Institucioni: | Universiteti “Haxhi Zeka” – Pejё, Kosovё |
Data e zgjedhjes: | 01.10.2016 – 30.09.2019 |
Data: | 01.10.2020 – vazhdon | |
Vendi: | Pejë | |
Emri i Institucionit: | Universiteti “Haxhi Zeka” | |
Pozita: | Prof. Ass. Dr. | |
Përshkrimi: | Profesor për lëndet:
• Ekonometria (Bachelor) • Buxhetimi (Bachelor) • Menaxhmenti Financiar i Avancuar (Master) |
Data: | 2020 – 2021 | |
Emri i Institucionit: | Ministria e Arsimit dhe Shkencës | |
Pozita: | Bartës i projektit hulumtues/aplikativ | |
Institucioni mbështetës: | Fakulteti i Biznesit, UHZ | |
Titulli i projektit: | Ndikimi i pandemisë (COVID-19) në digjitalizimin e bizneseve në Kosovë | |
Data: | 01.10.2016 – 30.09.2020 | |
Vendi: | Pejë | |
Emri i Institucionit: | Universiteti “Haxhi Zeka” | |
Pozita: | Asistent i rregullt | |
Përshkrimi: | Ligjerues dhe asistent për lëndet:
• Financat e Korporatave • Ekonometria • Financat Publike • Tregjet dhe Institucionet Financiare • Menaxhimi i Riskut • Menaxhimi i Riskut Financiar • Menaxhimi i Institucioneve Financiare • Menaxhmenti Bankar i Avancuar • Metodat dhe Teknikat Kërkimore • Makroekonomia II • Kontabiliteti Menaxherial • Kontabiliteti Financiar i Avancuar • Ndërmarresia • Metodat Kuantitative të Hulumtimit • Institucionet Financiare Ndërkombëtare |
Data: | 2019 – 2020 | |
Emri i Institucionit: | Universiteti “Ukshin Hoti” – Prizren | |
Pozita: | Ligjerues i angazhuar | |
Fakulteti: | Fakulteti Juridik, Programi: “Qeverisja Lokale dhe Shoqëria
Demokratike” |
Lënda: | Financat Lokale | |
Data: | 29.06.2019 – vazhdon | |
Pozita: | Anëtar i Këshilit Drejtues në Universitetin “Haxhi Zeka” në Pejë. | |
Data: | 2019 – 2020 | |
Emri i Institucionit: | International Business College Mitrovica (IBCM) & Universiteti
“Haxhi Zeka” |
Aktiviteti: | Projekti Ndërkombëtar “Creating Theory To Practice Centers
For Innovation And Employment” |
Përshkrimi: | Hartimi dhe zhvillimi i rasteve të studimit në kuadër të kurrikulave të reja mësimore në Fakultetin e Biznesit, UHZ | |
Data: | 2018 – vazhdon | |
Emri i Institucionit: | Universiteti “Haxhi Zeka” | |
Pozita: | Kryetar dhe anëtar i komisioneve të ndryshme dhe grupeve punuese në kuadër të UHZ-së | |
Përshkrimi: | 1. Kryetar i Komisionit për kërkesa dhe ankesa në kuadër të KD -së në Universitetin “Haxhi Zeka” – Pejë;
2. Anëtar i Komisionit për ndarjen e bursave në Universitetin “Haxhi Zeka” – Pejë; 3. Anëtar i Komisionit për hartimin e rregullores për të ardhurat personale në Universitetin “Haxhi Zeka” – Pejë; 4. Anëtar i Komisionit për hartimin e databazave me revista shkencore në Universitetin “Haxhi Zeka” në Pejë; 5. Anëtar i Komisionit për organizimin e konferencave shkencore në Fakultetin e Biznesit – Pejë; 6. Anëtar i Komisionit për hartimin e projekteve në Fakultetin e Biznesit – Pejë; 7. Anëtar i Komisionit për vlerësimin e provimeve pranuese në Fakultetin e Biznesit – Pejë; |
8. Anëtar i grupeve punuese për hartimin e programeve dhe kurrikulave të reja mësimore në Fakultetin e
Biznesit; 9. Tutorim i vazhdueshëm i studentëve në nivelin bachelor dhe master në punën e tyre hulumtuese; 10. Anëtar i Komisionit për hartimin e Rregullores për kompensimin e punës për komisione të UHZ-së; 11. Anëtar i Komisionit për ndryshim të Organogramit të UHZ – së; 12. Angazhim aktiv në zyrën e cilësisë; 13. Anëtar i grupeve të ndryshme punuese në procesin e riakredimit institucional të UHZ-së; 14. Anëtar i Grupit për Kërkime Shkencore në UHZ. |
Data: | 13.06.2018 – 30.06.2019 | |
Pozita: | U.D. Shef i Departamentit – Kontabilitet dhe Financa
(Bachelor dhe Master), Fakulteti i Biznesit |
Data: | 01.10.2017 – 30.06.2019 | |
Pozita: | Anëtar i Këshilit të Fakultetit të Biznesit në Universitetin “Haxhi Zeka” në Pejë. | |
Data: | 01.10.2017 – vazhdon | |
Pozita: | Zv. Kordinator për Organizimin e Konferencave Shkencore
Ndërkombëtare në Universitetin “Haxhi Zeka” në Pejë |
Përshkrimi: | Kordinator për organizimin e konferencave shkencore:
– 1 st International Scientific Conference – “Goverment Policies and Economic Development in South-East Europe Region” (17.11.2017, Pejë, Kosovë). – 2 nd International Scientific Conference – “”Fostering sustainable development in business, tourism, and agribusiness in the Balkan countries” (07.12.2018, Pejë, Kosovë). |
– 5th International Scientific Conference in Business and Economics – “Balancing the economic cycle in a pandemic state: lessons learned and future action” (23 – 24 Tetor 2020, Pejë, UHZ). | ||
Data: | 01.10.2015 – 30.06.2016 | |
Vendi: | Pejë | |
Emri i Institucionit: | Kolegji Evropian “Dukagjini” | |
Pozita: | Asistent i angazhuar | |
Përshkrimi: | Asistent i angazhuar në lëndet: Menaxhimi i Riskut dhe
Menaxhmenti Strategjik |
Data: | 10.05.2015 – 30.06.2017 | |
Vendi: | Pejë | |
Emri i Institucionit: | Qendra Kërkimore Zhvillimore – Peja | |
Pozita: | Hulumtues dhe Kordinator i Aktiviteteve Shkencore | |
Përshkrimi: | Projekte kërkimore – shkencore, organizimi i konferencave shkencore, debateve dhe takimeve të ndryshme promovuese. | |
Data: | 2015 – 2016 | |
Vendi: | Prishtinë | |
Emri i Institucionit: | Iron Consulting | |
Pozita: | Anketues | |
Përshkrimi: | Anketues i bizneseve të vogla dhe të mesme, përpunimi i rezultateve, prezentimi i sondazheve | |
Data: | Qershor 2012 – Dhjetor 2012 | |
Vendi: | Pejë | |
Emri i Institucionit: | ProCredit Bank – Kosova | |
Pozita: | Bankier / Analist Kreditor (Programi “Bankierët e Rinjë”) | |
Përshkrimi: | Realizimi i transaksioneve të arkës, shitja e produkteve të bankës, analiza financiare e kredive personale dhe kredive | |
të biznesit, vizita në terren për monitorimin e kredive të bankës etj. | ||
Data: | 01.05.2013 – 01.06.2015 | |
Vendi: | Prizren | |
Emri i Institucionit: | Ndёrmarrja Tregtare “Lindi Comm” | |
Pozita: | Teknik i kontabilitetit & Këshilltar financiar | |
Përshkrimi: | Praktikë profesionale për kontabilitet dhe menaxhim financiar në ndërmarrje | |
Data: | 2012 – 2014 | |
Vendi: | Pejë | |
Emri i Institucionit: | Forumi për Integrim dhe Zhvillim (OJQ) | |
Pozita: | Udhëheqës dhe anëtar i grupeve punuese, punë vullnetare | |
Përshkrimi: | Organizimi i forumeve dhe diskutimeve të ndryshme promovuese, hartimi dhe realizimi i projekteve në fushën e integrimit dhe zhvillimit të shoqërisë etj. |
Revistat Shkencore
Listen e punimeve shkencore të publikuara në revista shkencore ndërkombëtare dhe në konferencat shkencore ndërkombëtare mund ta gjeni të bashkangjitur edhe në linkun: këtu |
Titulli i punimit | Emri i revistës | Viti / Vëllimi / faqet |
Does the commercial bank’s loans affect
economic growth? Empirical evidence for the real sector economy in Kosovo (2005-2018) |
International Journal of
Sustainable Development and Planning (Canada) DOI: |
Vol. 15, Issue 8, Pages 1205 – 1222 Indexing: SCOPUS, SCImago (SJR), EBSCO, Publons, Science Open, Google Scholar |
Institutional reforms and improving the business climate in Southeast
European countries: an empirical analysis |
International Scientific Journal in Economics, Finance, Business, Marketing, Management and Tourism, Faculty of Economics, University of Tetova, Republic of North Macedonia |
Vol. VI, Issue 13 -14, Pages 201 – 211 ISSN: 1857-9566 (Print) ISSN: 2545-4544 (Online) Indexing: Academic Search Complete (EBSCO), Google Scholar. |
Profitability analysis of banks: comparative study
of domestic and foreign banks in Kosovo |
International Journal of
Economics & Business Administration (IJEBA)
Vol. VIII, Issue 2, Pages 87-99 Indexing: SCOPUS, EBSCO, Open Science – University of Malta, EconPapers
Evaluation of the financial performance of pension
funds. Empirical evidence: Kosovo, Albania and North Macedonia |
European Journal of
Sustainable Development (Italy) |
Volume 9, Issue 1, Pages 161-172 Indexing: Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics Emerging Sources Citation Index), Scopus
Does working capital management affect the
profitability of commercial banks: the case of Kosovo |
European Journal of
Sustainable Development (Italy)
Volume 9, Issue 1, Pages 126-140 Indexing: Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics Emerging Sources Citation Index), Scopus
International business cooperation as an
opportunity to increase competitiveness and to generate new jobs: the case of Kosovo |
European Research
Studies Journal (Greece, Malta) |
Volume XXII, Issue 4, Pages 60 – 69 Indexing: EBSCO, Open Science – University of Malta |
Assessment of investment projects based on
economic flow and not in cash flows |
European Journal of
Sustainable Development (Italy)
Volume 8, Issue 5 Pages 133 – 136 Indexing: Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics Emerging Sources Citation Index)
Does FDI inflow accelerate export performance in countries in transition?
An empirical analysis of european countries in transition |
Research in Economics and
Business: Central and Eastern Europe (Estonia)
Volume 11, Pages 5 – 16 Indexing: EBSCO, Ulrich’s, Cabell’s, EconPapers |
The key performance of commercial banks:
evidence from Republic of Kosovo |
Journal of Accounting,
Finance and Auditing Studies (Turkey)
Volume 5, Issue 3, Pages 1-15 Indexing: EBSCO, DOAJ, Open Science – University of Malta, ProQuest |
The impact of macroeconomic factors
on the level of deposits in the banking sector, an empirical analysis in the Western Balkan countries |
Journal of Accounting,
Finance and Auditing Studies (Turkey)
Volume 5, Issue 3, Pages 16-29 Indexing: EBSCO, DOAJ, Open Science – University of Malta, ProQuest |
The effect of capital adequacy on returns of
assets of commercial banks in Kosovo |
European Journal of
Sustainable Development (Italy)
Volume 8, Issue 2, Pages 201-208 Indexing: Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics Emerging Sources Citation Index). |
The effects of the insurance market in the
development of Western Balkans countries, with special emphasis on Kosovo |
European Journal of
Sustainable Development (Italy)
Volume 8, Issue 2, Pages 209-216 Indexing: Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics Emerging Sources Citation Index). |
Impact of taxation, public debt and subsidiaries in the budget deficit of
Western Balkan countries |
KNOWLEDGE International
Journal Scientific Papers (Budva, Montenegro)
Volume 31, Issue 1 Pages 95-100 Indexing: EBSCO |
Exploring the liquidity risk factors in the Balkan region banking system | European Research
Studies Journal (Greece, Malta)
Volume XXII, Issue 1, pp. 81 – 102 Indexing: SCOPUS, EBSCO, University of Malta |
The performance of consumer loan in the period 2007-2017.
Correlation with consumption and economic growth: the case of Kosovo |
KNOWLEDGE International Journal Scientific papers
Vol. 27 Page 23-29 ISSN 2545 – 4439 Indexing: EBSCO |
Determinants of the level of non-performing loans in commercial banks of transition countries | European Research
Studies Journal (Greece, Malta)
Volume XXI, Issue 3, pp. 3 – 13 Indexing: SCOPUS, EBSCO |
The impact of foreign direct investment on trade in transition countries | Bulgarian Economic Papers
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
Volume X, Issue 3 pp. 1-11 ISSN: 2367-7082 Indenxing: EconPapers |
Determinants of public investment and their
impact on economic growth: the case of Kosovo |
KNOWLEDGE International
Journal Scientific papers Vol. 17.1 (Montenegro) GLOBAL IMPACT AND QUALITY FACTOR 1.322 |
Volume 17.1 Page 403 – 409 ISSN 1857-923X for e- version ISSN 2545-4439 for printed version |
An empirical investigation of factors affecting the balance of trade and
external debt of Balkan countries |
KNOWLEDGE International
Journal Scientific papers Vol. 17.1 (Montenegro) GLOBAL IMPACT AND QUALITY FACTOR 1.322
Volume 17.1 Page 441 – 447 ISSN 1857-923X for e- version |
Econometric evaluation of tax changes in the
collection of state revenues –case study of Kosovo (2013-2016) |
KNOWLEDGE International
Journal Scientific papers GLOBAL IMPACT AND QUALITY FACTOR 1.023
Vol. 16 Pages 973 – 978 ISSN 1857-923X for e-version
Appropriateness of credit policies of commercial banks in relation to the
performance of SMEs in Kosovo |
CENTRUM, nr.5/2016 UDC 3 (497.7:4-672 EU).
Abstracting & Indexing National and University Library “St. Clement of Ohrid” – Skopje |
Volume 5 Page 235 – 257 ISSN 1857 – 8640 |
Stress testing of credit risk: case based on loan portfolio, capital
adequacy and nonperforming loans in Kosovo |
Journal of Knowledge
Management, Economics and Information Technology, Bucharest, Romania |
Vol. VI, Issue 3 Page 1 – 23 ISSN 2069-5934 Indexing: DOAJ, EBSCO |
The impact of the integrated financial risk management on the effectiveness of the
decisions of the financial leverage: an empirical study on the insurance companies in Kosovo |
Journal of Knowledge
Management, Economics and Information Technology, Bucharest, Romania
Volume VI, Issue 1 Page 1 – 20 ISSN (2447-7756). Indexing: DOAJ, EBSCO
Treasury accounting process through the public finance management information system | CSARA, Journal for
Development Research & Science, PENTZA
Vol 1, Issue 1 Page 149-165 ISSN 2337-0548 |
Open investment funds and their impact on the performance of the
Kosovo Pension Trust |
Scientific Research Journal
“Dardania” Development Research Center – PEJA Scientific Bulletin Nr. 3
Volume 3 Page 171 – 186 ISSN 1800-9794 |
Ratio of unemployment – inflation in Kosovo: an
econometric assessment for the period 2003-2014 |
International Scientific
Journal “Economicus” Faculty of Economics, UET
Volume 13, Page 266 – 278 ISSN 2223-6295
Working capital management and its
impact on the profitability of financial institutions |
International Scientific
Journal, Ulcinj, Montenegro
Volume 1 Page 271-278 ISSN: 1800-9794 COBISS-CG-ID 20586256.
Financial reporting, accounting policies and
their role in the financial analysis of the bank |
Scientific Research Journal
“Dardania” Development Research Center – PEJA Scientific Bulletin Nr. 2 |
Volume 2 Page 109 – 129 ISSN 1800-9794
Immigration, influencing
factors and labor market opportunities in Kosovo |
Scientific Joural – “Reform”
Institute for Legal and Democratic Studies
Volume 3 ISSN: 1800 – 9794 KDU 33/34 (05)
Change management and innovation in the business sector in Kosovo | Scientific Research Journal
“Dardania” Development Research Center – PEJA Scientific Bulletin Nr. 1
Volume 1 Page 445 – 460 ISSN 1800-9794 |
Proccedings shkencore të kandidatit nga Konferencat Shkencore Ndërkombëtare dhe
Kombëtare |
Titulli i punimit | Titulli i Konferences
Shkencore |
Të dhënat e Konferences
Shkencore |
The main measures of fiscal, monetary and macro-financial policies of | 5th International Scientific
Conference in Business and Economics (BECON 2020) – |
23 – 24th October 2020
Conference Proceedings Faculty of Business, |
the Western Balkan
countries during the pandemic period in function of economic recovery |
Balancing the Economic
Cycle in a Pandemic State: Lessons Learned and Future Actions |
University “Haxhi Zeka”
Peja, Kosovo ISBN 978-9951-672-17-7 |
Management of socio – economic consequences of the COVID – 19
pandemic: case study North Macedonia |
5th International Scientific
Conference in Business and Economics (BECON 2020) – Balancing the Economic Cycle in a Pandemic State: Lessons Learned and Future Actions |
23 – 24th October 2020
Conference Proceedings Faculty of Business, University “Haxhi Zeka” Peja, Kosovo ISBN 978-9951-672-17-7 |
Does rational and efficient management policies of
non performing loans have positively influenced the increase of lending volume to the real sector of the economy? Case study: Kosovo (2005 – 2018) |
4. Congress of International
Applied Social Sciences 4. Uluslararası Uygulamalı Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi |
22 – 24th October 2020,
C-iasoS 2020 – Kuşadası -Turkey Uşak University
The performance of the
Kosovo Credit Guarantee Fund and effects on the financing of the real sector enterprises in Kosovo |
12th International Scientific
Conference “New Challenges in Economic and Business Development – 2020: Economic Inequality and Well-Being. Faculty of Business, Management and Economics (University of Latvia) |
02 October, 2020
Conference Proceedings Riga, Latvia Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index. |
Correlation of the Business
Climate and FDI in the Western Balkans |
4th International Scientific
Conference on Business and Information Technologies (ISCBIT 2020) |
17 – 18 September, 2020
Conference Proceedings South East European University Tetova, North Macedonia |
Institutional reforms and improving the business climate in Southeast
European countries: an empirical analysis |
7th International Scientific
Conference “Contemporary Economic Trends” – CET 2019. University of Tetovo, North Macedonia. |
13-15 November, 2019
Book of Abstracts Page 129 ISBN 978-608-217-079-4 Tetovo, North Macedonia |
Assessment of investment projects based on
economic flow and not in cash flows |
7th International
Conference on Sustainable Development ICSD 2019, Rome, Italy
4-5 September, 2019
Conference Proceedings Page 255 ISBN 979-12-200-2127-2 Rome, Italy
The ratio of nonperforming loans and their impact on the profitability
of commercial banks in transition countries |
3rd International Scientific Conference on Business and Economics (ISCBE),
From Transition to Development: Emerging Challenges and Perspectives.
13-15 June, 2019
Conference Proceedings Pages 269 – 276 ISBN 978-608-248-031-2 South East European University Tetova, North Macedonia |
The effects of the insurance market in the
development of Western Balkans countries, with special emphasis on Kosovo |
XI, International Scientific
Conference, “Strategy for economic and local economic development of municipalities in Balcan countries with special provisions the observations, challenges and opportunities for the development”. |
04-05 April 2019,
Institute for Scientific Research and Development Ulcinj, Montenegro
The performance of consumer loan in the period 2007-2017.
Correlation with |
2nd International Scientific
Conference “Fostering Sustainable Development in Business, |
07 December, 2018
Page 51 ISBN 978-995-672-14-6 University “Haxhi Zeka” |
consumption and
economic growth: the case of Kosovo |
Tourism and Agriculture in the Balkan Countries” | Peja, Kosovo
The impact of interest rate
risk on the performance of banking sector deposits in Balkan countries |
6th International Scientific
Conference “Economic Development as a Precondition for EU Integration – EDPEUI |
19 October, 2018
University of Tetovo Tetovo, North Macedonia
The role and the impact of
U.S. in the development of economy, business and rule of law in Kosovo |
1th International
Conference “State building in Western Balkan Countries: Justice, Media and Art |
1-2 November 2018,
University “Haxhi Zeka” Peja, Kosovo |
Credit risk assessment using
Z Altman method – case study: manufacturing companies in Kosovo |
International Academic
Conference on Management, Economics and Marketing in Budapest, Hungary 2018 (IAC-MEMB 2018)
17-18 August, 2018
Pages 207 – 215 ISBN 978-80-88203-07-0 Indexing: Google Books EBSCO Information Services Czech Technical University in Prague |
The impact of corruption in economic growth of transition countries | 2nd International Scientific
Conference on Business and Economics (ISCBE’18) “Business Education in the 21st Century”
25 May, 2018
Proceedings of ISCBE’18, Pages 171-177 ISBN 978-608-248-025-1 South East European University Tetovo, North Macedonia |
Impact of foreign direct investment in the rate of
economic globalization in the Western Balkans |
International Scientific
Conference “Government Policies and Economic Development – South – East Europe Region” |
17 November, 2017
Volume 1, Page 18 ISBN 978-9951-672-10-8 University “Haxhi Zeka” University of Tetovo |
The trade cooperation of
Kosovo in the region and |
International Academic
Conference on |
5 – 6 July, 2017
Volume 1 |
its impact on economic
growth |
Management, Economics and Marketing in Budapest,
Hungary 2017 (IAC-MEM 2017)
Pages 177 – 184
ISBN 978-80-88203-02-5 Indexing: Google Books EBSCO Information Services Czech Technical University in Prague |
Impact of foreign direct investment in trade of transition countries | 9th International
Conference EBEEC “The Economies of Balkan and Eastern Europe Countries in the changed World (Greece)
10 – 12 May 2017
Pages 59 – 60 Book of Abstracts Τ: 210 5245264, F: 210 5245246 University of Piraeus, School of Economics, Business and International Studies (Greece) |
Factors that affect the success of the change in
business organizations in Kosovo |
International Scientific
Conference on Business and Economics BUILDING BRIDGES Between BUSINESS RESEARCH and INDUSTRY NEEDS |
17-18 February, 2017
Page 43 Book of Abstracts ISBN 978-608-248-009-1 South East European University Tetovo, North Macedonia |
Role and impact of remittances in Kosovo’s
economic development and in the poverty reduction |
4th International Scientific
Conference “The Economic Effects of Migration Processes in the Western Balkans”
02 December, 2016,
Page 52 Book of Abstracts ISBN 978-608-217-049-7 Faculty of Economics-UT Faculty of Business-UHZ Tetovo, North Macedonia |
Banking supervision and evaluation with CAMELS – a case study in Kosovo | Czech Institute of
Academic Education z.s. International Academic Conference on Management, Economics and Marketing in Vienna 2016 (IAC-MEM 2015) |
8-9 July, 2016
Page 177 – 189 ISBN 978-80-906231-2-5 “Proceedings of IAC-MEM 2016” Indexing: Google Books EBSCO Information Services
Access of SMEs to external financing through bank
loans, the econometric estimation for 200 businesses in Kosovo |
Second National
Conference in Finance “Challenges of the Development of the Albanian Economy”
27 May, 2016
Pages 22 – 23 Book of Abstracts ISBN 978-9928-200-82-2 Faculty of Economics, University of Tirana |
Capital structure and financial performance: empirical evidence from business firms selected in the region of Peja | Second National
Conference in Finance “Challenges of the Development of the Albanian Economy” |
27 May, 2016
Page 50 – 51 Book of Abstracts ISBN 978-9928-200-82-2 , Faculty of Economics, University of Tirana |
Credit guarantee schemes, the importance of collateral and the
impact of the creation of SMEs network in the process of bank crediting |
Czech Institute of
Academic Education z.s. International Academic Conference on Management, Economics and Marketing in Budapest 2016 (IAC-MEM 2016) |
15-16 April, 2016
Page 193 – 206 ISBN 978-80-905791-8-7. Indexing: Google Books EBSCO Information Services
The role of the banking system on the financing of businesses and the
determinants of the lending level on SMEs in Kosovo |
Czech Institute of
Academic Education z.s. International Academic Conference on Management, Economics and Marketing in Budapest |
15 -16 April, 2016
Page 125 – 137 ISBN 978-80-905791-8-7. Indexing: Google Books EBSCO Information Services
The importance of foreign direct investment for the
economic development of Kosovo |
Third International Scientific
Conference “Environmental Factors, Challenges For Econonomic Development”
04 – 05 December, 2015
Page 43 Book of Abstracts ISBN 978-608-217-032-9 Faculty of Economics State University of Tetovo |
Financing of public-private partnership and the effects | International Conference
“How the international |
20 – 21 November, 2015
Page 130 |
of the implementation of this project in the
profitability of the company |
migration is shaping the contemporary society”,
College AAB – Pristina and International Scientific Journal “Social Studies” |
Abstracts Book
ISBN 978-9951-494-557
Impact of the financial crisis on the realization of
remittances: evidence from the region of Dukagjin |
International Conference on Labor Migration and Industrial Citizenship.
University of New York in Tirana and University of Prishtina. |
13-14 November, 2015
Pages 75-86 Book of Proceedings. No.1 ISBN: 978-9928-4281-4-1
New international accounting standards and their impact on the insurance industry | 3-nd International
Conference on Business, Law, Administration and Social Sciences – ICBLAS |
26 September, 2015,
Page 89 – 100 Book of Proceedings. ISBN: 978-9928-4298-8-9
Dynamic competition, financial innovation and strategic funding | First International Scientific
Conference “Challenges of Modern Organizational Sciences and Management” |
19 September, 2015
Page 43 College “Fama” Kosova Chamber of Commerce
Corporate governance
and social responsibility in the economy of Kosovo |
MISIC 2015 – Mitrovica
Innovations Scientific International Conference 2015. International Business College in Mitrovica and Van Diemenstraat in Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
15-16 September, 2015
Page 45 Book of Procedings ISSN:2452-2902 |
Performance of the banking system in Kosovo | X Annual International
Meeting, Conference of Economic Sciences. Alb-Science Institute, South East European University. |
28 – 30 August, 2015
Page 146 Book of Procedings ISBN: 978-608-65463-1-1. |
Analysis of commercial bank exposure to interest
rate risk |
International Scientific
Conference “Economic Development as a Basis to Generate New Jobs” |
23 May, 2015
Page 25 Book of Abstracts ISBN: 978-9951-492-10-2. College “Pjetёr Budi” |
Effects of working capital management in short-term
financing and profitability of business firms |
Third Annual International
Scientific Conference “Sustainable Development and Life Quality Improvement in Albania, toward EU Integration Process” |
25 April, 2015
Professional Business Academy – Albania
Impact of corporate government in payment of dividend in terms of financial foreign investment | 2-nd International
Conference on Business, Law, Administration and Social Sciences – ICBLAS
04 April, 2015
Page 10 – 16 Book of Proceedings. ISBN: 978-9928-178-40-4, Tirana Business University
Të dhënat për publikime të librave dhe monografive të botuara në vend si autor apo koautor | ||
Dr. Sc. Fisnik Morina
Politikat kreditore të bankave komerciale dhe ndikimi i tyre në sektorin real të ekonomisë së Kosovës (2005 – 2018) – Monografi, Botues: Shtypshkronja Blendi, Prishtinë, 2020, 302 faqe, ISBN 978 – 9951 – 716 – 35 -2 |
- 5th International Scientific Conference in Business and Economics – “Balancing the economic cycle in a pandemic state: lessons learned and future action” (23 – 24 Tetor 2020, Pejë, UHZ).
- 4th International Scientific Conference on Business and Information Technologies (ISCBIT 2020)
- 12th International Scientific Conference “New Challenges in Economic and Business Development – 2020: Economic Inequality and Well-Being” – Faculty of Business, Management and Economics (University of Latvia,14th and 16th of May, Riga, Latvia);
- 4th Congress of International Applied Social Sciences, C-iasoS 2020 – Kuşadası -Turkey Uşak University, 2020;
- 7th International Scientific Conference “Contemporary Economic Trends”, University of Tetovo, North Macedonia (13-15 November, 2019);
- 7th International Conference on Sustainable Development ICSD, Rome, Italy (4-5 September, 2019);
- Innovation Conference Business And Education: Challenges And Opportunities, University “Haxhi Zeka” – Peja, Kosovo. Project “Creating Theory To Practice Centers For Innovation And Employment (18 October 2019);
- 3rd International Scientific Conference on Business and Economics (ISCBE), From Transition to Development: Emerging Challenges and Perspectives, South East European University, Tetovo, North Macedonia (13-15 June, 2019);
- XI, International Scientific Conference, “Strategy for economic and local economic development of municipalities in Balcan countries with special provisions the observations, challenges and opportunities for the development”, Institute for Scientific Research and Development, Ulcinj, Montenegro (04-05 April 2019);
- 2nd International Scientific Conference “Fostering Sustainable Development in Business, Tourism and Agriculture in the Balkan Countries, University “Haxhi Zeka” Peja, Kosovo (07 December, 2018);
- 6th International Scientific Conference “Economic Development as a Precondition for EU Integration – University of Tetovo, North Macedonia (19 October, 2018);
- 1th International Conference “State building in Western Balkan Countries: Justice, Media and Art, University “Haxhi Zeka”, Peja, Kosovo (1-2 November 2018);
- International Academic Conference on Management, Economics and Marketing in Budapest, Hungary, Czech Technical University (17-18 August, 2018);
- 2nd International Scientific Conference on Business and Economics “Business Education in the 21st Century”, South East European University, Tetovo, North Macedonia (25 May, 2018);
- International Scientific Conference “Government Policies and Economic Development – South – East Europe Region” – University “Haxhi Zeka” & University of Tetovo (17 November, 2017);
- International Academic Conference on Management, Economics and Marketing in Budapest, Hungary, Czech Technical University (5 – 6 July, 2017);
- 9th International Conference EBEEC “The Economies of Balkan and Eastern Europe Countries in the changed World, Greece, University of Piraeus, School of Economics, Business and International Studies (10 – 12 May 2017);
- International Scientific Conference on Business and Economics “Building Bridges Between Business Research and Industry Needs”, South East European University Tetovo, North Macedonia (17-18 February, 2017);
- 4th International Scientific Conference “The Economic Effects of Migration Processes in the Western Balkans”, Faculty of Economics-UT, Faculty of Business-UHZ, Tetovo, North Macedonia (02 December, 2016);
- International Academic Conference on Management, Economics and Marketing in Vienna, Austria, Czech Technical University (8-9 July, 2016);
- Second National Conference in Finance “Challenges of the Development of the Albanian Economy”, Faculty of Economics, University of Tirana (27 May, 2016);
- International Academic Conference on Management, Economics and Marketing in Budapest, Hungary, Czech Technical University (15-16 April, 2016);
- Third International Scientific Conference “Environmental Factors, Challenges For Econonomic Development”, Faculty of Economics, State University of Tetovo (04 – 05 December, 2015);
- Konferenca e Dytë Shkencore “Hulumtimi dhe shkenca në shekullin e dytë të pavarësisë së Shqipërisë”, Qendra Kërkimore Zhvillimore – Peja, Kolegji Evropian Dukagjini (26 – 27 Nëntor 2015);
- International Conference “How the international migration is shaping the contemporary society”, College AAB – Pristina and International Scientific Journal “Social Studies” (20 – 21 November, 2015);
- International Conference on Labor Migration and Industrial Citizenship. University of New York in Tirana and University of Prishtina (13-14 November, 2015);
- 3-nd International Conference on Business, Law, Administration and Social Sciences – ICBLAS, Tirana Business University (26 September, 2015);
- First International Scientific Conference “Challenges of Modern Organizational Sciences and Management”, College “Fama”, Kosova Chamber of Commerce (19 September, 2015);
- Mitrovica Innovations Scientific International Conference 2015. International Business College in Mitrovica and Van Diemenstraat in Amsterdam, Netherlands (15-16 September, 2015);
- X Annual International Meeting, Conference of Economic Sciences. Alb-Science Institute, South East European University and State University of Tetovo (28 – 30 August, 2015);
- International Scientific Conference “Economic Development as a Basis to Generate New Jobs”, College “Pjetёr Budi” (23 May, 2015);
- Third Annual International Scientific Conference “Sustainable Development and Life Quality Improvement in Albania, toward EU Integration Process”, Professional Business Academy – Albania (25 April, 2015);
- 7th International Scientific Conference, Institute for Scientific Research and Development, Ulcinj, Montenegro (02 – 03 April, 2015);
- 2-nd International Conference on Business, Law, Administration and Social Sciences, Tirana Business University (04 April, 2015);
- Konferenca e Dytë Shkencore Regjionale “Sundimi i ligjit dhe siguria publike faktor ndikues për bashkëpunim ekonomik lokal”, Instituti për Studime Ligjore dhe Demokratike, Gjilan, Kosovë (07 Mars 2015);
- Konferenca e I-rë Shkencore Kombëtare “Strategjitë e menaxhimit kultoror të turizmit në Kosovë dhe Shqipëri”, Qendra Kërkimore Zhvillimore – Peja, Kolegji Evropian Dukagjini (27 – 28 Nëntor 2014).
Data: | 24 – 25 Nëntor 2020 |
Kualifikimi i arritur: | Workshop “Establishment of Scientific Journals and the
Kosova Research Information System (KRIS)” |
Emri i institucionit: | ResearchCULT Project, Erasmus + Programme |
Përshkrimi: | Trajnim për ngritjen e kapaciteve në institucionet e arsimit të lartë në Kosovë në krijimin e revistave shkencore ndërkombëtare |
Data: | 20 Janar 2020 |
Kualifikimi i arritur: | Workshop “Expanding the Technological Frontier of
Macroeconomic Modeling” |
Emri i institucionit: | The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies |
Përshkrimi: | Seminar për aplikimin e modeleve të reja ekonometrike dhe metodologjike (Agent-based models) në fushën e |
makroekonomisë dhe tregjeve financiare | |
Data: | 15-16 Dhjetor 2019 |
Kualifikimi i arritur: | Workshops for Post-Doctoral Researchers:
SAGE Research Methods Webinar |
Emri i institucionit: | Faculty of Economics Management & Accountancy,
University of Malta |
Përshkrimi: | Trajnim për qasjet e reja kuantitative dhe kualitative në metodologjinë shkencore – aplikimi i databazës SAGE për kërkimet shkencore |
Data: | 2019 – 2020 |
Kualifikimi i arritur: | Hartimi dhe zhvillimi i rasteve të studimit në kuadër të Projektit
Ndërkombëtar “Creating Theory To Practice Centers For Innovation And Employment”. |
Rastet e studimit: | 1. SHARRCEM – Corporate Social Responsibility;
2. NEWCO FERRONIKELI COMPLEX LLC – Financial Risk Management Process; 3. Project of European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and Rural Credit of Kosovo; 4. The World Bank Group Projects in function to improve business climate and competitiveness – Kosovo Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Project. |
Emri i institucionit: | International Business College Mitrovica (IBC-M) and University “Haxhi Zeka”. |
Data: | 01.04.2019 – 30.07.2019 |
Kualifikimi i arritur: | Mobilitet studimor |
Emri i institucionit: | Instituti për Kërkime Shkencore dhe Zhvillim (Ulqin) dhe
Universiteti “Luigj Gurakuqi” – Shkodër, Shqipëri |
Përshkrimi: | o Bashkëpuntor profesional në kërkimet shkencore ekonomike
o Pjesëmarrës aktiv në hartimin dhe implementimin e projekteve kërkimore në fushën e kompetencave |
o Ligjerues vizitor në semestrin pranveror të vitit akademik 2018/2019 në Fakultetin Ekonomik të Universitetit “Luigj Gurakuqi” – Shkodër në kuadër të projektit “Multimedia educational centres for excelances for employability and fostering social inclusion in CB region Montenegro and Albania – MECEMA. |
Data: | 25 – 26 Qershor 2019 |
Kualifikimi i arritur: | How to write a successful CBHE project under the Erasmus+
Program |
Emri i institucionit: | Kosovo Erasmus + Office |
Përshkrimi: | Hartimi dhe implementimi i projekteve ndërkombëtare në kuadër të programit Erasmus + |
Data: | 17-18 Janar 2019 |
Kualifikimi i arritur: | Trajnimi “Self-Evaluation Reports” – Hartimi i raporteve vetëvlerësuese për standardet e reja të akreditimit |
Emri i institucionit: | Higher Education Research and Applied Science (HERAS) |
Përshkrimi: | Hartimi i raporteve vetëvlerësuese për standardet e reja të akreditimit |
Data: | 14.12.2018 – 21.12.2018 |
Kualifikimi i arritur: | Mobilitet Ndërkombëtar – Hulumtim shkencor dhe pjesëmarrje në ligjerata në Fakultetin Ekonomik të Universitetit të Maltës |
Emri i institucionit: | University of Malta, Faculty of Economics, Management and Accountancy. |
Data: | Shtator – Nentor 2014 |
Kualifikimi i arritur: | Ndërmarrës – Hartues i planeve të biznesit |
kryeosore/shkathtësitë profesionale të arritura: |
Trajnimi pёr Ndёrmarrёsi dhe Hartimin e Planit tё Biznesi
Emri i institucionit: | Ministria e Kulturёs, Rinisё dhe Sportit Institute for Management and Development Vendi: Prishtinё, Kosovё. |
Data: | Nëntor 2009 – Qershor 2010 |
Kualifikimi i arritur: | Advanced English Language |
kryeosore/shkathtësitë profesionale të arritura: |
Kursi i Gjuhёs Angleze – New Headway – Advanced Level
(Niveli i Avancuar) |
Emri i institucionit: | – Shkolla e Gjuheve tё Huaja “Elita 21” – Vendi: Pejё, Kosovё. |
Shkathtësitë të gjuhës: (1 deri 5: 1 vlerësimi më i ulët – 5 fluent) | |||
Gjuha | Konverzimi | Shkrimi | Leximi |
Gjuha Shqipe | 5 | 5 | 5 |
Gjuha Angleze | 5 | 5 | 5 |
Gjuha Spanjolle | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Shpërblimet dhe anëtarësimet: | |||
Anëtar i Bordit Shkencor në konferenca shkencore
ndërkombëtare |
5th International Scientific Conference in Business and
Economics – “Balancing the economic cycle in a pandemic state: lessons learned and future action” (23-24 Tetor 2020, Pejë, UHZ). |
Anëtar i Bordit Editorial në revista shkencore ndërkombëtare | Journal of Accounting, Finance and Auditing Studies – Stamboll, Turqi. | ||
Anëtar i Bordit Editorial në revista shkencore ndërkombëtare | Economic Vision – International Scientific Journal in
Economics, Finance, Business, Marketing, Management and Tourism, Faculty of Economics, University of Tetovo, North Macedonia. |
Anëtar i Bordit Shkencor në konferenca shkencore
ndërkombëtare |
4rd International Applied Social Sciences Congress (C-IASOS – 2020)” – Kusadasi, Turkey, 02-04 April, 2020. | ||
Anëtar i Bordit Editorial në revista shkencore ndërkombëtare | International Journal for Advanced Development of Science and Technology Research (IJADSTR) | ||
Anëtar i Bordit Editoral në revista shkencore | PENTZA – Journal for Development Research and Science
(2016) |