Date/Location: 8-21 July 2023 Peja
Deadline for application: 13.04.2023 – 15.05.2023
- Overview
The Haxhi Zeka University is very pleased to announce the open call for students all around the world to be part of 2nd International Summer University UNISUM in Peja, Kosovo.
We look forward to welcome students from different countries, students who are interested to experience new things, broader their knowledge, expand horizons, discover new opportunities and challenges, within the options to select among nine courses delivered by national and international teaching staff, such as:
- Human Rights and anti-discrimination law, policies, and research technichues
- Team Building- challenges for HRM in XXI century
- Money in the Digital Age; Innovations in Financial Management
- Clarinet (Development of technical and artistic skills)
- Global Food Security: Challenges and Opportunities
- Solo Singing (Pedagogical and artistic aspect)
- Fruits and Vegetable Processing
- Data analysis with MAXQDA
- International & Comparative Business Law
Upon completion, students will receive a certificate of participation with ECTS credits.
Course Catalogue can be found here.
- Eligibility
UNISUM is open to both international and Kosovo’s students who are:
- involved in accredited college or university;
- at Bachelor or Master level;
- fluent in English language.
Candidates interested in the field of fine arts courses offered in UNISUM and do not have a student’s status might be considered for admission in UNISUM.
Thus, all interested students, who are willing to be part of UNISUM, can apply through online application form.
- Accommodation & Fees
- For national (outside Peja city) and international students, accommodation will be provided by the host institution (Limited number of students);
- There is no fee for participation.
International Relation Office, University “Haxhi Zeka”
E-mail: [email protected]
[…] tyre për bashkëpunim duke pohuar se do të inkurajojnë studentët e tyre që të jenë pjesë e UNISUM-it. UNISUM-in ata e shohin si një mundësi mjaft pozitive që iu ofrohet studentëve vendor dhe […]
[…] i 2-të Ndërkombëtar Veror UNISUM në Pejë, do të mbahet nga 8 – 21 korrik. Ky aktivitet ishte i hapur për studentë nga […]
[…] i 2-të Ndërkombëtar Veror UNISUM në Pejë, do të mbahet nga 8 – 21 korrik. Ky aktivitet ishte i hapur për studentë nga gjithë […]