Invitation to final project conference “Soft Skills of Students”

Invitation to final project conference “Soft Skills of Students”

Invitation to final project conference “Soft Skills of Students”

University College of Enterprise and Administration in Lublin (Poland), International School of Social and Business Studies (Slovenia),
Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal (Portugal), and Technische Hochschule Deggendorf (Germany)

invite you to final project conference

»Soft Skills of Students«
on Thursday, 14 January 2021 in MS Teams

On behalf of international consortium of universities from Poland, Slovenia, Portugal and Germany, we would like to invite you, your colleagues and representatives of your institutions to participate in an international hybrid conference “Soft skills of students”, which will be organized on-line with the use of MS Teams software on 14 January 2021.

The main aim of the Conference is to promote and disseminate products developed within Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership project “The system of support for academic teachers in process of shaping soft skills of their students”.

During the Conference an innovative tool for shaping soft skills of students will be presented. The tool was developed by an international consortium of HEI mentioned above.

PROGRAMME: Please find detailed agenda of the conference at link.

REGISTRATION: In order to sign-in, please fill in registration form available via link:

Detailed information about the project, its aims and developed products, can be found via link:

Participation in the Conference is free of charge. The working language is English.

The Conference will be organized through MS Teams software – each participant, who will register via above link, will receive invitation for participation in the event (maximum 3 days before the Conference).

Contact Person:
Jacek Lis, University College of Enterprise and Administration in Lublin
+48 81 45 29 440, [email protected]

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