Office for International Cooperation

  1. Duties and responsibilities of the Office for International Cooperation shall be the following:
    1.1 Support the development of international inter-university cooperation through agreements and protocols;
    1.2 Coordinates and supports regional and international projects of interest to UHZ;
    1.3 Drafts and implements projects that advance the UHZ’s research and scientific work, in cooperation with the Vice Rector for International Cooperation and Quality Improvement;
    1.4 Assist in establishing links with foreign Universities, advises professors on establishing such links;
    1.5 Gathers data on national and international funds available for student and teacher mobility (eg DAAD, EU, Fulbright, British Council, etc.), and disseminates these information to Faculties;
    1.6 Ensures information from relevant international institutions about education and initiation of cooperation;
    1.7 Manages with the University’s Summer School Program;
    1.8 Participates, under the capacity of member of the committee, to plan the further strategies to successfully implement the projects;
    1.9 Assists the Rector and the Vice Rector for International Cooperation and Quality Improvement at all levels of International Cooperation;
    1.10 Performs other works as assigned by the manager;
  2. On the operational aspects, the Director of the Office for International Cooperation shall report to the Secretary General, whereas on professional matters related to work duties shall report to and shall coordinate the work with the Vice Rector for International Cooperation and Quality Improvement.
  3. The Office for International Cooperation, under the systematisation of jobs, shall consist of the following positions:
    3.1 Director of the Office for International Cooperation;
    3.2 Officer for International Cooperation (1 employee).
    3.3 Officer for Projects (1 employee).
    The number of employees in the Office for International Cooperation is three (3).
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