Office for Public Relations

1.Duties and responsibilities of the Office for Public Relations shall be the following:   

2.1 Provides full support in promoting UHZ’s work, informing the public about UHZ,s work, prepares press releases and daily monitoring of the printed and electronic, local and international , media of UHZ’s interest;   

2.2 It is the media’s contact point for providing media communication regarding the UHZ’s activities;   

2.3 Updates the UHZ’s website, promotes the UHZ’s work and messages on social networks, and is a focal point for the law enforcement regarding requirements related to Access to Public Documents;   

2.4 It is a focal point for the coordiantion of reporting to the Government of Kosovo-Ministry of European Integration on the implementation of the National Program for the  Implementation of the Stabilization and Association Agreement.

2.Office for Public Relations shall be managed by the office Director for Public Relations, who shall report to the Secretary General.
3.Under the systematisation of jobs, the Office for Public Relations shall consist of the following positions:
3.1 Office Director for Public Relations/UHZ’s spokesperson;
3.2 Office for Public Communication.
4.The number of employees in the office for Public Relations is two (2).

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