Telegram of condolences for the death of the former director of the Kosovo Ballet, Ahmet Brahimaj

Telegram of condolences for the death of the former director of the Kosovo Ballet, Ahmet Brahimaj

Telegram of condolences for the death of the former director of the Kosovo Ballet, Ahmet Brahimaj

We were very touched when we heard the news of the death of your beloved and great artist, Ahmet Brahimaj.

Ahmeti was synonymous and with his name was identified the Kosovo Ballet.                                                                                                                   With his early engagement in this stage art, Ahmeti is one of the first to deal with ballet in Kosovo, in the early 1970s, where for many years he played numerous works and contributed to the shaping of generations, while after the liberation of the country he laid the foundations of the National Ballet of Kosovo.

Ahmeti passed away, but the works he left behind are many and precious. The creativity and realization of his works have enriched the artistic treasure of Kosovo. He played in about 40 ballet premieres, and in many of them he played the lead role. When talking about ballet, one thought of Ahmeti, the great maestro, the icon of Kosovo’s stage art. He gave his all for the ballet, leaving an indelible mark. With his uncompromising professional work, he fought for the establishment of the theater and its recognition from the outside.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   In addition to art, Ahmeti also gave a lot for the freedom of the country. He was involved in illegal pre-war activity and the KLA. He lost his mother and gave his martyr brother in the last war.                                                               

Haxhi Zeka University in Peja, honors and remembers such great figures as Ahmet Brahimaj and encourages young people to follow his path, as a guide and inspiration for the development of art in general.

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