During the UNISUM 2023 Summer University activities, the participating students were offered the chance to take part in various visits to different companies and facilities. Some of these visits included: Agroprodukt Company, Vita Milk Company dhe Trout Fish Processing and Breeding Facility.
The students visited the Agroprodukt company, where they had the opportunity to observe firsthand the processing of aromatic plants. Another visit was organized to the Vita Milk Company, where the students got an inside look at the operations of a milk processing facility. They probably learned about the production process, quality control measures, and the various dairy products manufactured by the company. Also they visited a facility involved in the processing and breeding of Trout fish.
These visits aimed to provide the students with valuable practical knowledge and real-world insights into the industries they are interested in or studying during the UNISUM 2023 Summer University program. The firsthand experiences gained from these visits can enhance their understanding of various sectors and their applications in the context of their academic pursuits and career paths.