Training for UHZ academic staff begins with the topic: “Advancing Teaching Methods in Higher Education”

Training for UHZ academic staff begins with the topic: “Advancing Teaching Methods in Higher Education”

Today has started the intensive five-day training for the academic staff of UHZ on the topic: “Advancement of Teaching Methods in higher education.” The training is offered and organized by the Czech Foundation “CERGE-EI” and HERAS Plus, with funding from the Austrian Development Agency and with support from the Government of Kosovo, respectively MESTI. The training is held by “HATS” certified trainers: Gëzim Tosuni, Ardiana Gashi, Alban Hashani, Arben Mustafa and Visar Vokrri. While, the training observer is Mrs. Eleanor Hammond, Director of External Relations from “CERGE-EI”.
The training is an output of the memorandum of understanding between UHZ and the Czech Foundation “CERGE-EI”, signed in November 2021. Participants in this training are twenty lecturers from five academic units of UHZ, which are: Avdullah Robaj, Theranda Beqiri, Bashkim Nurboja, Mersiha Kalac, Petrit Nimani, Suzana Jakupi, Besim Qorri, Mimoza Pajaziti – Drançolli, Driton Sylqa, Merita Begolli, Thëllëza Latifi,
Emin Neziraj, Arieta Camaj-Ibrahimi, Milaim Musliu, Enkeleda Lulaj, Fisnik Morina, Hajrija rikrijelj, Ardrit Gashi, Besfort Ahmeti and Granit Kastrati.
UHZ, through this training will benefit in academic capacity building of university staff related to modern teaching techniques, which skills can then be transmitted to the rest of the university professors. At the end of the training, participants will undergo a test and will likely be provided with a relevant certificate.

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