UHZ participates in the works of the QUADIC project of Erasmus +

UHZ participates in the works of the QUADIC project of Erasmus +

At the Technical University in Sofia, the three-day works have started today within the QUADIC project, in which UHZ also participates. The topic of this project is “Qualitative development of international cooperation and project management” in HEIs.The project is funded by the EU Erasmus + program, while the host university is the “Technical University” of Sofia. In this event participate public universities of Kosovo, universities from Albania, the French University “Cote d’Azur”, the Italian University “Universita per Stranieri di Periuga”, ect. The works are planned to be held for three days in a row and in a joint session with activities, such are:-

Development of regional cooperation and creation of a network of associations;- Formalization and use of opportunities from memoranda of cooperation;- Use of digital and technological tools in teaching;- Importance and functionality of the mobility office;- Compilation of the draft regional cooperation network;- Mutual discussion of the practices of the participating universities; from the University “Haxhi Zeka” are participating: prof.ass.dr Arieta Camaj – Ibrahimi and councelor to the rector of UHZ, Dr.sc.Driton Sylqa.#UHZ #EU #erasmusplus #Technicaluniversity #Coted’Azur #UnistrapgPer FB:Në Universitetin Teknik në Sofia, kanë filluar sot trajnimet tre ditore në kuadër të projektit QUADIC, në të cilin marrin pjesë prof.ass.dr Arieta Camaj – Ibrahimi dhe Këshilltari i Rektorit, Dr.sc.Driton Sylqa. Ky projekt ka të bëjë me bashkëpunimin ndërkombëtar, menaxhimin e projekteve dhe përdorimin e mjeteve digjitale në mësimdhënie në IAL-të.  

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