“Universities for EU Projects”: 180 trainees are ready to support your organization in developing EU funded projects

“Universities for EU Projects”: 180 trainees are ready to support your organization in developing EU funded projects

“Universities for EU Projects”: 180 trainees are ready to support your organization in developing EU funded projects
Dear Colleague,
Many organizations are interested in funding opportunities offered by the EU but often do not have the time or resources to pursue them properly.
We are glad to announce that the program to host interns to support you in developing EU funded projects is open again. From now until 23rd September 2016 you can apply to become host organization.
Our traineeship program offers your organization extra support for FREE from students chosen from 8 major Italian universities. Traineeships will take place between the 1st December 2016 and the 30th June 2017, with an average duration of 4 months.
The initiative is part of the project Universities for EU projects, financed by Erasmus+ KA1 and developed by SEND and EuGen – European Generation, National Contact Point of EPA – European Projects Association.
For further informations: [email protected]Watch the video presentation of the initiative:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaVccMAnIMwTo apply as host organization, please fill the annex-1 by the 23rd of September and send it to [email protected]

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