University Central Library

The Central Library is an office within the University “Haxhi Zeka” in Pejë.

  1. Duties and responsibilities of the University Library are laid down under article 79 of the Statue of the University “Haxhi Zeka” in Pejë:
    1.1. The Central University Library shall collects, process and makes available library collections of teaching materials, information and library services for the development of educational, scientific activity, and for the development of the skills and knowledge of students and their professors;
    1.2. The Central University Library shall provide services to students and teaching staff by borrowing library materials and providing access to electronic information sources. It provides professional services to the libraries of the respective faculties. The activity of the university libraries is based on international library standards;
    1.3. The Central University Library is an integral part of the Unified Librarian Network of Kosovo with the aim of implementing library standards, preparing and disseminating databases and enhancing inter-library collaboration
  2. On the operational aspects, the Director of the University Library shall report to the Secretary General, while on professional issues related to work tasks shall report and shall coordinate the affairs with the Vice Rector for Teaching, Student Affairs and Scientific Research
  3. The organizational structure of CUL is defined in accordance with the needs of CUL according to international standards for the provision of quality services to readers;
  4. The Structure of CUL shall include Sectors, Services and Offices.
  5. The Regulation on the internal organization of the CUL (Organogram) shall be defined the activities of the offices, the manner of management, the manner of performing the duties and duties, as well as the rights, obligations and responsibilities of the employees in the CUL.
  6. The number of staff at the Central University Library is three (3)
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