Prof. Dr. Abdula Azizi Universiteti i Evropes Juglindore Profesor vizitor në Universitetin “Haxhi Zeka” në Pejë
- Dec 2005 – Dec 2007: Doctor of Sciences in Public Administration
Faculty: Public Administration and Political Sciences
South East European University, Tetovo, Macedonia
Thesis: “Administrata e Bashkimit Evropjan dhe çështjet sociale” - Oct 2001 – 2005: Master in International Law and International Relations
Faculty: Law Faculty
Sv.Kiril i Metodij, Skopje, Macedonia
Specialty: European community - Oct 1997 – Sep 2001: Graduated in Law
Faculty: Law Faculty
Sv.Kiril i Metodij, Skopje, Macedonia
Specialty: Administrative Sciences
- THE SOCIAL CARE SYSTEM AND FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS FOR CHILDREN WITHOUT PARENTAL CARE IN NORTH MACEDONIA. In Proceedings of the 7th and the 8th Economics & Finance Conference, pp. 11-25. The International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences, Prague, 9 / 2019. ISBN 06178278. (Download) .
- Rule of Law in Republic of North Macedonia: The Annual Progress Reports of the European Commission. In 1 st INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON SOCIAL AND LEGAL SCIENCES (ICSLS’19). Faculty of Contemporary Social Sciences, SEEU, Tetovo, 9 / 2019. .
- THE IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS IN WESTERN BALKAN COUNTRIES. In Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu, Vol.55 No.4 Studeni 2018., pp. 931-941. “Hrcak”, Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia, 11 / 2018. ISBN 0584-9063. (Download) .
- Правна основа за наследство на имот во Република Македонија и меѓународни практики. In 9th International Scientific Conference “INTERNATIONAL DIALOGUE: EAST-WEST”, pp. 31-36. International Center for Slavic education, Sveti Nikole, 7 / 2018. ISBN 1857-9299. (Download) .
- Between Law and Traditions: the Practice of (Non) Participation of Girls from the Albanian Community in Macedonia in the Family Property Inheritance. In EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INTERDISCIPLINARY STUDIES , pp. 57-66. EUROPEAN CENTER FOR SCIENCE EDUCATION AND RESEARCH , Rottenburg, Germany, 4 / 2018. ISBN 2411-958X . (Download) .
- ANALYSIS OF PROGRESS-REPORTS OF THE EUROPEAN COMMISSION ON PENSION SYSTEM OF THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA: CHALLENGES AND PROSPECTS . In 4th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences and Arts, pp. 341-350. SGEM, 8 / 2017. ISBN 978-619-7408-14-0 . (Download) .
- Macedonia from independence onwards. Éditions Universitaires Européennes, Saarbrücken, Germany; New York, USA, 1 / 2017. ISBN 978-3-8416-1611-1. (Download) .
- Europeanization of Macedonia: What has been done so far and what further. In 3rd international multidisciplinary scientific conference on social sciences & arts SGEM 2016, BOOK 2, pp. 129-135. SGEM, Sofia, 8 / 2016. ISBN 978-619-7105-73-5. (Download) .
- MACEDONIA’S INTEGRATION IN THE EUROPEAN UNION. “Lulu”, USA, 4 / 2016. ISBN 978-1-326-63798-9. (Download) .
- Analysis on Women’s political participation practice in Macedonia and what further. In Proceeding of the International Conference “DEMOCRATIZATION OF POLITICAL PROCESSES AND OVERCOMING POLITICAL-IDEOLOGICAL POLARIZATION”, pp. 45-51. The Aspen Institute, Germany, 2016. (Download) .
- Economic Criteria for EU Membership and Legislation on Economic Reforms in Macedonia. In Procedia Economics and Finance, Volume 26, 2015, pp. 709–716. Science Direct, New York, NY, USA, 10 / 2015. ISBN 2212-5671. (Download) .
- NATIONAL AND STATE IDENTITY AS HOSTAGE OF EURO-INTEGRATION PROCESS OF THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA . In the 2 nd International Conference on Research and Educatıon – “Challenges Toward the Future” (ICRAE 2014), . University of Shkodra “Luigj Gurakuqi”, Shkodra, Albania, 11 / 2014. ISBN 2308-0825. (Download) .
- Equitable Representation of Communities in Public Administration in Republic of Macedonia as One of the Copenhagen Political Criteria for EU Membership. In Proceedings of the 4th ICHSS , pp. 66-71. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Rome, Italy, 8 / 2014. ISBN 2281-3993. (Download) .
- The Transfer of State Sovereignty: Analysis of Constitutional Change in Macedonia during the EU Accession Process. In Proceedings of 9th edition of the International Conference, EIRP 2014, pp. 38-44. Danubius Universitty, Galati, 5 / 2014. (Download) .
- Constitutional Challenges of EU Accession: The Case of Macedonia. In Proceeding of the International Scientific Conference: Social Reconstruction of Europe, pp. 27-30. Medimond INTERNATIONAL PROCEEDINGS, Bucharest, 3 / 2014. ISBN 978-88-7587-694-4. (Download) .
- EU ENLARGEMENT: CURRENT EU CANDIDATES AND PROSPECTS FOR FUTURE ENLARGEMENT. In Conference Proceedings of THE 4th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EUROPEAN STUDIES, pp. 63-71. Epoka University, Tirana, 1 / 2014. ISBN 978-9928-135-09-4. (Download) .
- PROBLEM S OF EUROPEAN INTEGRATION IN REGION: THE CASE OF MACEDONIA. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference “RESEARCH AND EDUCATION – CHALLENGES TOWARD FUTURE ” (ICRAE 2013). Universiteti “Luigj Gurakuqi”, Shkoder, 12 / 2013. ISBN 2308-0825. (Download) .
- Harmonization of Legislation of a Candidate Country with EU Legislation: Insights from the Prism of the Citizens of Macedonia. In EIRP Proceedings, Vol 8 (2013), pp. 11-17. Danubius University Press, Galati, Romania, 10 / 2013. (Download) .
- Competition between public and private universities: International experiences and case of Macedonia. In Proceedings of the International Conference on New Trends in Education and Their Implications- ICONTE 2013. IJONTE International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications , “Antalya, Turkey”, 5 / 2013. ISBN 1309-6249. (Download) .
- Analysis on European Future of Macedonia: The Greek Obstacles on the Name Issue. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Social Sciences, pp. Vol.4, No1. SOSRES, International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanity Studies, “Izmir, Turkey”, 12 / 2012. ISBN 1309-8063 (Online). (Download) .
- Lifelong Learning Programs of the European Union and their Impact on the Macedonian Educational System. In Proceedings of the 4th WORLD CONFERENCE ON EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES (WCES-2012) 02-05 , pp. 2451–2456. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 9 / 2012. (Download) .
- Public Administration education: the case of Macedonian Universities. In CY-ICER 2012, pp. 1436-1441. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 8 / 2012. (Download) .
- NEW TRENDS IN HIGHER EDUCATION – THE CASE OF MACEDONIA. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, pp. 493-498. International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications (IJONTE), “Ankara, Turkey”, 6 / 2012. ISBN 978-605-364-273-2. (Download) .
- Current situation assessments in Macedonia and its challenges for membership in the European Union. In Collection of papers, pp. 125. “Lulu”, USA, 6 / 2012. ISBN 978-1-4717-4101-2. (Download) .
- Ethic Standards for Employers in the Local Administration Units: Republic of Macedonia. In Philosphy Study, Vol.2, No.5, May 2012(Serial Number 10), pp. 370-375. David Publishing Company, Illinois, USA, 5 / 2012. ISBN 2159-5313. (Download) .
- Euro-Atlantic Integration of Macedonia and the Name Issue: Viewed from the Prism of Albanians. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Human and Social Sciences ICHSS 2012, Vol.3 No8, pp. 307-311. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences (MJSS) , “Rome, Italy”, 5 / 2012. ISBN ISSN 2039-9340. (Download) .
- Exceptions to the principle of free movement of workers in the European Community: the Case of Persons infected with HIV/AIDS. In EIRP Proceedings, Vol 7 (2012), pp. 139-145. Danubius University, Galati, Romania, 5 / 2012. ISBN 2067-9211. (Download) .
- INNOVATIONS AND CHANGES BROUGHT BY THE LISBON TREATY: THE SOCIAL ASPECT. In 4th International Conference on Social Sciences. The Social Sciences Research Society, Vol 3 No 2, Pamukhan Borsa Sokağı Gümrük-İzmir, Turkey, 11 / 2011. ISBN 1309-80068 (Online). (Download) .
- Trajtimi i ceshtjeve sociale ne Traktatin e Lisbones. In Takimi i 6-te vjetor nderkombetar, Studiuesit shqiptare faktor i rendesishem i integrimit ne rrjedhat evropiane, pp. 194-195. Instituti ALB Shkenca, , Prishtine, 9 / 2011. ISBN 978-9951-510-19-9. .
- INTERETHNIC RELATIONS IN MACEDONIA: AN OVERVIEW OF THE CURRENT MACEDONIAN-ALBANIAN-TURKISH COHABITATION AND CHALLENGES IN CULTIVATING ETHNIC DIVERSITY WITH EUROPEAN VALUES. In 4th International ADAM Conference, International symposium “Past, Present and Future of Turkish-Albanian-Macedonian Relations”, pp. 61-73. Ankara Center for Thought and Research ACTR / ADAM, “Ankara, Turkye”, 9 / 2011. ISBN 978-605-88676-2-9. .
- Traktati i Lisbones dhe ndryshimet institucionale / Lisbon Treaty and EU institutional changes. In Proceedings of the 5fth meeting of ALB Science Institute, Vol.IV, Nr.4/2011, pp. 587-597. “AKTET”, Tirane-Prishtine-Shkup, Tirana, Albania, 9 / 2011. ISBN 2073-2244. (Download) .
- The Analysis of Public Administration Reforms in Macedonia and the Evaluation of the Performance of Public Administration by the European Commission. In EIRP proceedings of the 6th International Conference European Integration – Realities and Perspective, pp. 883-887. Danubius University, Galati, Romania, 7 / 2011. (Download) .
- The Right to Education in the Republic of Macedonia: The Right to Education in one’s Mother Tongue. In Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 15, 2011, pp. 2435-2440. Elsevier, New York, NY, USA, 6 / 2011. (Download) .
- The Assessments of the European Commission on Lifelong Learning in the Annual Reports on the Progress of the Republic of Macedonia. In World Conference on Learning, Teaching & Educational Leadership (WCLTA – 2011). Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences , 2011. ISBN 1877-0428. .
- Bashkimi Evropian: E Drejta, Institucionet dhe Politikat. Arberia Design, Tetovo, Macedonia, 12 / 2010. ISBN 978-608-4503-30-9. .
- The impact of public helath on free movement of Persons in the EU. In Proceedings of The 18th World Congress on Medical Law, pp. 28. Zagreb, Croatia, 8 / 2010. ISBN 978-953-270-047-3. .
- Strategjia e BE-se per mundesi te barabarta gjinore: Rezultatet dhe sfidat ne ballafaqimin me (pa)barazine gjinore. In Perfaqesimi i femres shqiptare ne jeten publike ne komunat e Maqedonise Perendimore, pp. 45-56. Arberia Design, Tetovo, Macedonia, 7 / 2010. .
- EU social policy according to Lisbon Treaty. In Proceedings of UACS conference Europe after the Lisbon Treaty. Skopje, Macedonia, 5 / 2010. .
- Ethic standards for employers in the local administration unit: Republic of Macedonia. In Proceedengs of the InternationProceedings of UNESCO Chair in Bioethics International Conference on Bioethics Education: Contents, Methods, Trends. ISAS International Seminars, Zefat, Israel, 5 / 2010. .
- Puna dhe politika sociale ne Bashkimin Evropian: evoluimi, standartet dhe sfidat. Arberia Design, Tetovo, Macedonia, 12 / 2009. ISBN 978-608-5-4503-23-1. .
- Realiteti dhe sfidat e Republikes se Maqedonise ne fushen e politikes sociale. In Proceedings of the Scientific Conference on Euro-Atlantic perspectives of Macedonia , pp. 39-52. Arberia Design, Tetovo, Macedonia, 6 / 2009. ISBN 978-608-5-4503-22-4. (Download) .
- Fjalor shumedimensional i termave dhe shprehjeve administrative, politike, sociale dhe te diplomacise. Varta , Skopje, 5 / 2009. ISBN 978-608-4503-28-6. .
- Reformat e Administrates publike ne R. e Maqedonise drejt integrimit Evropian. In Shteti i se drejtes dhe reformat ne Administraten Publike: Rasti Maqedoni, pp. 57-78. CRPA, Tetovo, Macedonia, 6 / 2008. ISBN 978-608-4503-10-1. .
- Bazat e se drejtes nderkombetare publike. Jugoreklam, Skopje, Macedonia, 5 / 2008. ISBN 978-608-4503-12-5. .
- Zhvillimi historik dhe perspektivat e politikës sociale të Unionit Europian. In Vizione No.5. Skopje, Macedonia, 2006. .
- Reformat e administratës publike në Republikën e Maqedonisë drejt integrimit Evropian. In Universitas No.6 & 7 , pp. 113-126. Vienna, Austria, 2005. .
- Konliktet ndërkombëtare dhe intervencat humanitare ndërkombëtare. In Universitas No.4 & 5 , pp. 111-117. Vienna, Austria, 2004. .
- Mar 2020 – Present : Member of the Doctoral School at the University level
SEE University, Tetovo, North Macedonia
Type of business or sector: Education and Research
Main responsibilities: To represent the interests of the Faculty of Social Sciences in the decision-making process of the University. Discussion and approval of the most important acts that determine the rules of interaction in the teaching process, PhD student evaluation, PhD - Dec 2002 – Present : Full Professor
South East European University, Tetovo, Macedonia
Type of business or sector: Education and Research - Jul 2016 – Present : Active member at the section “Social Sciences, Law and Economics”
Type of business or sector: Education and Research - 2011 – Present : Member
Government of Macedonia, Skopje, Macedonia
Type of business or sector: National Council for Sustainable Development
Main responsibilities: expert on social issues - Mar 2016 – Mar 2020: Member of the University Senate
SEEU, Tetovo, North Macedonia
Type of business or sector: Education
Main responsibilities: To represent the interests of the Faculty of Social Sciences in the decision-making process of the University. Discussion and approval of the most important acts which determine the rules of scope in the teaching process, student assessment, academic pro - 2008 – 2010: Director of Center for Research in Public Administration
South East European University, Tetovo, Macedonia
Type of business or sector: Education and Research
Main responsibilities: – Project Manager in “Euro Atlantic prospects of the R.Macedonia: Problems, challenges and political reality after the NATO Summit in Bucharest-2008”, Period: Oct.2008 – Aug.2009 – Research Expert on the Project “Representation of Albanian women in - Nov 2001 – Nov 2002: Consultant
Ministry of Economy, Skopje, Macedonia
Type of business or sector: Government of Macedonia
Main responsibilities: – Consultant for harmonization of tariffs on trade with the provisions of World Trade Organization – Consultant for the harmonization of legislation of the R. Macedonia with the European Union legislation in the field of economy