International Conference on Academic Learning and Research in natural, human, and social sciences: The key role of Technology and Innovation ICALaRTI

International Conference on Academic Learning and Research in natural, human, and social sciences: The key role of Technology and Innovation ICALaRTI

International Conference on Academic Learning and Research in natural, human, and social sciences: The key role of Technology and Innovation ICALaRTI

17th -18th November 2021
University “Haxhi Zeka”
Peja, Kosovo

Within the framework of the project “Enhancing Research Culture in Higher Education in Kosovo (ResearchCult)”, supported by Erasmus +, with funds from European Union, the University “ Haxhi Zeka” of Peja, is organizing a two-day International scientific conference on: Academic Learning and Research in natural, human, and social sciences: The key role of Technology and Innovation (ICALaRTI).

The conference is co-organized with a number of local and international universities and higher education institutions, as represented below in the relevant organization and scientific structures of the conference.

The conference aims to bring together the representatives of the higher education institutions (HEIs), research institutions, public institutions, businesses and other stakeholders locally and internationally, to exchange experiences, share best practices in various scientific areas. In addition, the conference also offers opportunities for researchers, academicians and industry experts to meet and interact with local and international participants on how to best:
(i) utilize and enhancing academic learning by integrating research and innovation;
(ii) enhance cooperation between the academia and public and private institutions through usage of research and innovation outcomes;
More specifically the main objectives of the Conference will be:
— to provide a forum for discussion about the latest scientific contribution in various areas of science;
— to focus on the impact of the research and innovation in the scientific fields covered;
— to discuss and compare the experiences in all scientific areas covered in this conference;
In particular the post Covid- 19 pandemic conditions –challenges and opportunities – affecting human rights will be discussed and analyzed from the perspective of transformation and change.

Format of the event:
The two day event will consist of:

  • plenary sessions
  • thematic sessions
  • poster presentations
  • workshops
    The conference is anticipated to be held through the physical presence in the premises of the University “Haxhi Xeka” in Peja. However, the organization of the on-person conference is pending upon the conditions and recommendations of the relevant institutions related to the Covid -19 and governmental measures around October-November 2021. All participating candidates will be informed on time in case any measures will take place around the time of conference. Throughout the conference, sufficient time will be reserved for comments and questions from participants to allow them to contribute to discussions.

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