Participants in the conference, besides the Rectors of Public Universities, also had Rectors of Private Colleges, Pro-Rectors, Deans, Professors, Representatives of Ministries, KAA, CSC, etc.
The solemn opening of the conference was made by the Rector of UHZ, Prof.Dr. Fadil Millaku, who greeted the attendees and thanked them for participating. Then, the Rector of UP, Prof.Dr. Marjan Dema, made a presentation on “Quality in Higher Education”,where he emphasized, that the quality of education should start from pre-primary education, and the Rector of UHZ presented to the participants the “New Standards of Institutional Accreditation and HEIs”.
The speech was also taken by Prof.Dr. Alush Musaj, Rector of Isa Boletini University in Mitrovica and Prof.Dr. Gazmend Luboteni, CSC Chairman. Rector Musaj presented “CSC Policies to HEIs: The Case of UMIB”, while Mr. Luboteni presented the topic “Challenges in the HEI Accreditation Proces.
Mr Bastian Baumann, HERAS International Expert, spoke about Austrian assistance to KAA and HEIs in enhancing European quality standards (ESG’s).Afterwards, the participants had the opportunity to talk and discuss with the panelists and other participants on the topic of the conference.
The conference was described as very well attended by the participants.
At the end of the conference were presented the conclusions of the conference and identified points to be considered in the future by stakeholders in Higher Education in Kosovo.