Business Management – Master

Study program – Business Management – Master

  1. Business Management,
  2. Bank and Finance
  3. Control and Audit

First joint year

First year – First semester:
Nr. Mand./


Subject: HoursL+U ECTS
1. M Qualitative methods in scientific research 2+2 5
2. M Advanced managerial economics* 4+2 7
3. M Contemporary organizing theories 3+2 6
4. M Advanced financial management* 3+2 6
5. E International Business Contracts 3+2 6
6. E Advanced banking management** 3+2 6
7. E Advanced Auditing** 3+2 6
Total 15+10 30
First year – Second semester:
Nr. Mand./


Subject: HoursL+U ECTS
1. M Quantitative Methods and Techniques in Scientific Research* 3+2 5
2. M Advanced strategic management 3+2 6
3. M Management Information Systems 3+2 6
4. M The International business environment 2+2 6
5. E Marketing for Managers 3+2 6
6. E Total quality management 3+2 6
7. E Advanced Financial Accounting 3+2 6
8. E Cost Accounting 3+2 6
Total 15+10 30
Concentration: Business Management

Prerequisite: To continue this profile of the program there are no specific preconditions, other than those defined by the Statute

Second year – Third semester:
Nr. Mand./


Subject: HoursL+U ECTS
1. M Entrepreneurship and Innovation 3+2 6
2. M Managing EU projects 3+3 6
3. M Mergers and acquisitions of businesses 3+2 6
4. M Ethics in business 3+2 6
5. E Leadership and decision-making 3+2 6
6. E Customer Behavior 3+2 6
Total 15+10 30

Concentration: Bank and Finance

Prerequisites: To graduate in this profile of the program, at least 60 ECTS credits from subjects with “*”

Second year – Third semester:
Nr. Mand./


Subject: HoursL+U ECTS
1. M Management of financial institutions* 3+2 6
2. M Advanced corporate finance* 3+2 6
3. M Investment and portfolio management* 3+2 6
4. M International Finance* 3+2 6
5. E Digital Finance* 3+2 6
6. E Financial Management risk 3+2 6
Total 15+10 30
Concentration: Control and Auditing

Prerequisites: To graduate in this profile of the program, at least 54 ECTS credits from subjects with “*” or “**”

Second year – Third semester:
Nr. Mand./


Subject: HoursL+U ECTS
1. M Corporate Governance** 3+2 6
2. M Strategic cost management** 3+2 6
3. M International Accounting Standards and Financial Reporting ** 3+2 6
4. M Risk Assessment and Corporate Control ** 3+2 6
5. E Laws and Taxes in Business ** 3+2 6
6. E Performance Audit ** 3+2 6
Total 15+10 30
Second year – Fourth semester:
Nr. Mand./


Subject: HoursL+U ECTS
1. M Master thesis 30
Total 30

Shënim: Note: Subjects or profiles that are a prerequisite (or require prerequisite) are marked with signs “*” or “**”


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