Office for Academic Affairs and Teaching Excellence

  1. Duties and responsibilities of the Office for Academic Affairs and Teaching Excellence shall be the following:

1.1 Organizes and coordinates the work of the Office for Academic Affairs and Teaching Excellence;
1.2 Prepares employment contracts for regular and engaged academic staff of the university;
1.3 Compiles various statistical information, analysis and reports for University academic staff and for University needs, and updates staff data;
1.4 Compiles information and collaborates with the faculties regarding the publication and implementation of the announcements for University academic staff;
1.5 Compiles the overviews of the teaching hours based on faculty proposals for academic staff engagement;
1.6 Prepares materials for meetings of the Study Committee, the Central Council of Doctoral Studies, the University Senate, which deals with academic issues and Teaching Excellence;
1.7 Performs work in coordination with the UHZ’s Senate, Steering Council, Academic Units, Institutes, as well as with councils, committees and working groups in the field of teaching, academic affairs and related matters;
1.8 Under the direction of the Vice Rector for Teaching, Student Affairs and Research, compiles the work plan of the Office and oversees its implementation;
1.9 Identifies the need for training areas for academic staff in coordination with the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and the Deans of Academic Units;
1.10 Trainings shall be organized through the Office of Academic Affairs and Teaching Excellence to support the professional development of the UHZ academic staff. The Office monitors the implementation of contemporary teaching and assessment methods by the academic staff;
1.11 In collaboration with management, academic units and academic staff shall develop plans and conducts other trainings and activities to promote contemporary teaching and assessment methods;
1.12 Provides individual support to academic staff in planning their professional development, respectively in developing individual development plans for one year;
1.13 On an annual basis, it shall identify the needs of the academic staff for the professional development of the academic staff, respectively for training in the function of mastering and applying contemporary teaching and assessment methods by the academic staff;
1.14 The Office of Academic Affairs and Teaching Excellence in collaboration with the Vice-Rector for Teaching and the Deans of Faculties shall organize monitoring of academic staff regarding the implementation of contemporary teaching and assessment methods;
1.15 In coordination with management, the Office of Academic Affairs and Teaching Excellence shall organize regular monitoring at least once a year for each professor, “ad-hoc” monitoring, and monitoring of academic staff advancement;
1.16 Prepares statistics on the level of implementation of contemporary teaching and assessment methods, and supports academic staff in this area through activities to be organized by UHZ management;

  1. On an operational basis, the Director of the Office of Academic Affairs and Teaching Excellence shall report to the Secretary-General, while shall report on and shall coordinate the professional matters related to its duties with the Vice Rector for Teaching, Student Affairs and Research
  2. Office for Academic Affairs and Excellence in Teaching under the systematisation of jobs, shall consist of the following positions:
    3.1 Director of the Office of Academic Affairs and Teaching Excellence (1 employee);
    3.2 Officer for Excellence in Teaching (2 employees)
    3.3 Officer for Academic Affairs (1 employee)
  3. The number of employees in the Office of Academic Affairs and Teaching Excellence is four (4).
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