Office for Student’s Affairs

  1. Duties and responsibilities of the Office for Students Affairs shall be the following:

1.1. Organizes, coordinates the work with the UHZ Management, the proposals of the Academic Units for the number of students to be enrolled in the following academic year, and submits them to the Senate for approval;
1.2. Organizes and prepares the dynamics of the call for applications and the plan of engagement of the sector officials for student affairs and other persons in the registration of new students;
1.3. Makes the necessary technical preparations and enrolment of students in the first year of studies;
1.4. Informs faculties about enrolled students and those who are not enrolled;
1.5. Upon termination of the call for application, draws up the final report – statements of students enrolled in the first year of study;
1.6. Issues certificates regarding student enrolment and student status;
1.7. Prepares and takes care of the publication of the “Student Newsletter” and its distribution in Academic Units;
1.8. Manages and prepares statistics for the total number of students at all levels of study.
1.9. Prepares the diploma, verifies and holds the diploma book for students with diplomas.

  1. On the operational aspect, the Director of the Office of Student Affairs shall report to the Secretary General, while on professional matters related to work tasks shall report and shall coordinate the work with the Vice Rector for Teaching, Student Affairs and Scientific Research
  2. The Office for Student Affairs under the systematisation of jobs, shall consist of the following positions:
    3.1 Director of the Office for Students Affairs (1 employees);
    3.2 Officer for student services (1 employee);
    3.3 Officer for diploma (2 employees).
  3. The number of employees in the office for student affairs is four (4).
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